Biomedical Treatment For Autism Success Stories For Parents


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The symptoms of Autism can be reversed and children with Autism can be improved or fully recovered when the right medical treatment for Autism is employed, especially when underlying biomedical problems are properly treated.

Some of these biomedical problems include food allergies, autoimmune issues, gut lesions, heavy metal toxicity, nutritional decencies, an inability to detoxify environmental toxins, mineral depletion, lowered immune function, vaccine poisoning and other medical problems. These medical problems can lead to constipation, toe walking, sensory overwhelm, inability to communicate, spinning, toning, poor digestion, pain, head banging, jumping, ear pulling, and many other behaviors related to being malnourished, burdened with toxins, in extreme pain and/or being incapable of processing the outer world through the senses.

Biomedical treatment seeks to uncover these root problems associated with Autism symptoms and to then treat these autistic symptoms with biomedical treatments that treat the many underlying causes of Autism symptoms. Some of these treatments may include things that will help with detoxification, such as chelation therapy, mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy, B12 injections and glutathione injections. Other treatments may include nutritional supplementation, Vitamin D3 supplementation and the adoption of a gluten free casein free diet. The use of digestive enzymes, probiotics, anti-fungal drugs and the adoption of the Body Ecology Diet (fermented foods) may be employed. And there are many, many other medically valid treatments that will help treat the root causes of Autism and Autism symptoms so that the body can start to heal itself and repair the damage that’s been done.

The result? Children with Autism get better, and some even fully recover to the point where they no longer have the symptoms of Autism!

Other therapies are often required, by the way (e.g., such as found at The HANDLE Institute –, but by helping the body heal the medical problems it has, the other therapies will work better to help the autistic child or adult have a better chance at significant recovery or full recovery from Autism.

Although the Autism Research Institute ( no longer uses the phrase DAN! Doctor (Defeat Autism Now Doctor) to denote credentialed doctors who have taken additional training in biomedical treatment for Autism, the phrase DAN! Doctor is still used by many to specify a doctor who uses biomedical treatment for autism. These doctors also treat vaccine-injured children and understand the complexities of vaccine injury.

TRANSCRIPT: Hi, my name is Larry Cook and I’ve done a little research into the entire autism situation. I want to give parents some hope that if you have a child who’s been diagnosed with autism, there is opportunity for that child to improve or evenly fully recover if you do biomedical treatment, biomedical intervention, and perhaps some other therapies as well.

Let me first say that children who have autism often have several different problems happening simultaneously. One of those problems oftentimes is an inability to detoxify. They may have heavy metal toxicity, environmental toxicity, some sort of toxicity, and they can’t get rid of it. That’s oftentimes a major, major problem.

Another problem is that they often have gut issues. They have lesions inside their intestines, inside their stomach, inside the entire gut area. They can’t digest their food very well. There’s usually some sort of a gut issue going on.

Finally, a major issue that happens in almost … in fact is happening in all autistic kids is sensory overload. It’s a sensory overload issue. You know this because if there’s too much noise going on, they’re pulling on their ears. They may not be chewing their food because it’s too load on their vestibular, or their jaw area. The vestibular system regulates higher functioning in the neurological processing system.

There’s all kinds of different things happening simultaneously that are causing these outward symptoms. One way to address those causes is to do treatment that treats those individual causes. That kind of treatment is called biomedical treatment, for lack of any other phrase that they’ve come up with. That’s the phrase that’s been adopted.

Biomedical treatment might include chelation therapy, which means pulling out the heavy metals, or doing B12 shots and injections, and glutathione injections, which help the detoxification pathways actually work. There might be some antifungal medication given to combat the fungus that’s inside the intestinal system. There’s all kinds of different therapies that can be used or utilized that help repair the body.

As the body begins to repair itself, as its being treated, guess what? The symptoms of autism start to go away. That’s to greater or lesser degrees depending upon how severe it was, depending upon what kind of treatment was used. There’s lots and lots and lots of variables. But the purpose of this video, the reason why I’m making it right now, is to give you, the parent, some hope, and also some starting point.

If you click the description in this video and you look inside there, you will some resources that I give you that you can click on and go over and begin these different treatments. The other reason why I wanted to make this video is I’ve actually interviewed four different parents who have had success with biomedical treatment for their autistic children.

These videos that you see now are three parents who shared with me their story about what happened after they put their child through biomedical treatment for autism. The top video, Holly, that is one of my most popular videos on YouTube. I have over 375 videos and that is one of my most popular videos, and has remained that way for this entire year. Holly talks about how she fully recovered her child using biomedical treatment. I highly recommend watching that video.

The next video is of Becky. She says that her child was about 75% recovered, 75% improvement after she began biomedical treatment. The last video of Wren, maybe 50% or so. She says that there’s marked improvement but there’s still some ways to go.

The reason why I’m sharing these videos with you is to give you hope. I recommend watching all three. Every child is different; your child is different; their children are different. The takeaway from this video is don’t wait; start. Use the resources in the description of my video here. Pick a doctor, start doing biomedical treatment, do the other recommendations that you can find at Talk About Curing Autism or Generation Rescue. Put your child on their gluten free-casein free diet, and start working on a plan that’s going to help your child do better.

That’s it for now. If you like this video please hit the like button. If you want to see more videos that I produce, please subscribe to my channel. Until next time, and thank you for watching.


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