Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage – Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD, FACHM

By Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD According to the DSM IV Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual, Autism is not “Autism” if there are medical problems in the person given that diagnosis. Since the vast majority of children diagnosed with Autism also have medical problems, the diagnosis is not valid according to Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD. In this video Dr. Stoller shares: • Most children diagnosed with Autism never receive a medical workup, but if they did, the doctor would likely discover metabolic and toxicity problems. • Problems include compromised immune systems, inability to detoxify and nutritional deficiencies. • The “Autism” diagnosis often…

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Mercury Poisoning from Vaccines and Environment Can Cause Autism

Autism Is A Man-Made Epidemic (Dan Olmsted, Author of The Age of Autism) The symptoms of autism are unique and really were not seen before the 1930s when a certain type of ethylmercury compound was first used. So in a sense, it’s a novel form of mercury poisoning – that’s the title of the first study that suggested this idea. In other cases, though, you can see similar things like central nervous system damage and gastrointestinal issues, which various kinds of mercury can cause. And mercury poisoning and Autism look very similar, when you line up the symptom profiles. Mercury…

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