Autistic Child Fully Recovered with Biomedical Treatment

Holly Riley is the parent of a fully recovered autistic child, her son Quinn. Quinn was diagnosed with Autism around the age of two and yet in a just a few short years, through the use of biomedical treatment and traditional autism therapies, Quinn was able to come out of the Autism fog. In this video Holly shares that: Quinn was fairly normal in his infancy, until about 1.5 years After his first birthday he exhibited unusual behaviors including spinning He wasn’t talking, even at two years of age Holly figured out that Quinn had Autism after reading a book,…

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Mom Explains Vaccine Injury and Why Not To Vaccinate: Parent of Recovered Autistic Child

Holly Riley and her husband followed the recommended vaccination schedule until it became apparent that their son’s health was deteriorating and even wound up with a diagnosis of Autism. In this video Mrs. Riley talks about: Her son was fully vaccinated up to age of two. During their research into Autism they discovered that vaccines played a role in their son’s development of Autism. Her first vaccine assault was the flu vaccine, because of the mercury content. The next vaccine assault was the Hepatitis B vaccine. Research has shown that the Hepatitis B vaccine will cause motor skill problems and…

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