Mom Explains Vaccine Injury and Why Not To Vaccinate: Parent of Recovered Autistic Child

Holly Riley and her husband followed the recommended vaccination schedule until it became apparent that their son’s health was deteriorating and even wound up with a diagnosis of Autism. In this video Mrs. Riley talks about:

  • Her son was fully vaccinated up to age of two.
  • During their research into Autism they discovered that vaccines played a role in their son’s development of Autism.
  • Her first vaccine assault was the flu vaccine, because of the mercury content.
  • The next vaccine assault was the Hepatitis B vaccine.
  • Research has shown that the Hepatitis B vaccine will cause motor skill problems and the ability to latch on for nursing.
  • The mercury in the vaccines weakened his immune system and caused a lot of health problems, including problems with his gut, eczema, ear infections, diaper rash, yeast infections.
  • Tylenol caused additional problems with liver toxicity which caused a glutathione deficiency, which caused more detoxification problems.
  • They decided not to vaccinate their son ever more.
  • The immune system is powerful and natural immunity is much more valuable than vaccine induced immunity.
  • The deaths from childhood diseases had already significantly reduced by the time vaccines were introduced.
  • Vaccines cause chronic illness, such as Autism, ADHD, Asthma, Allergies and all kinds of other chronic illness.

Mrs. Riley would not vaccinate if she were to have another child.

I did two other interviews with Holly. In one, she shares her son’s story and the long journey to full recovery from Autism.  In the other interview she gives advice on how to get a child to start eating a gluten free casein free diet, which is essential to their healing success.


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