Magnesium: A Natural Way To Treat Constipation, Insomnia and Muscle Tension

In this video Dr. Angela Agrios, ND (A California Licensed Naturopathic Doctor) discusses the benefits of taking a magnesium supplement. She explains that Magnesium:

• Is essential to life
• One of the most prevalent minerals in the body
• Part of over 300 metabolic pathways in the body
• A multivitamin won’t have enough of it
• Found in dark leafy greens
• Good for muscle tension, insomnia, migraines, constipation
• Natural Calm Magnesium is recommended (
• Magnesium Citrate is the ingredient in Natural Calm
• Powder is easier to take than a tablet
• 600 mg is a good amount to take
• Can drop blood pressure
• Should not be used if there is kidney damage

Dr. Angela Agrios, ND
Palisades Natural Medicine
984 Monument Street, #201
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


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